Best Sellers

Best Selling Chocolates

Davies Chocolates is 92 years old! We are proud to be serving generations of Australians with premium quality, hand crafted chocolates. Gift these amazing chocolate creations that have stood the test of time to friends, family and business contacts. Our chocolates are now gluten free and palm oil free!

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On this page discover the top 12 most sought-after Davies Chocolates, which we have not uncoincidentally called our ‘Best Sellers.’

Buy our best selling Davies Chocolates online today.

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How do you ship in hot weather?

During Australia’s hot summer months, we recommend including a hot weather pack with your order to ensure your chocolates do not melt. It’s a small price to pay to keep your delicious Davies chocolates in their best condition!

Can I order Davies overseas?

Yes, but not through our online store.

Call us on +61 2 9502 2811 to discuss your options!